20/20 Vision exhibition rescheduled !
RogArt St. Campus, Rogart St, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 2QF Sat 14 – Wed 25 Nov
Please contact Graham to arrange appointment for a private, socially distanced viewing on Saturday 14 Nov between 2-6.
Here is a virtual version for you to enjoy in isolation. If you’ve not already, please see the “inspiration” section of the website to read about Dr. Shinobu Ishihara’s colour blindness tests. Best wishes and look after each other, Graham.
There would only ever be one year where I could use this title so I couldn’t resist using it.
I used to worry and obsess about getting the circles perfect but recently I decided just to join them all up, and liked the way it turned out. It’s liberating to accept some things the way they are. What has happened to the world wasn't by any means my vision for 2020 but maybe joining the dots is a metaphor for both the virus and how it’s hopefully going to make us connect better with each other.
Emulsion on board, 60x60 cm.
This is what I think most people think they really want…
Peace and quiet, world peace, peace of mind… This one, still in my loft at home, was specially made for the venue. At 90x90 cm it’s the biggest I’ve made - any larger and it wouldn't have got through the loft hatch. The owner suggested it would look good to hang frameless from the ceiling, with fishing line, so it’s painted right to the edges. What shapes can you see, and what does that tell you about yourself and me too ? Try some self isolation psychoanalysis.
Acrylic on board, 90x90 cm.
Fabric of consciousness
I’ve done a few Om signs but wanted a black on black one. Om is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol from Indian religions. In Hinduism, it signifies the essence of the ultimate reality and the three levels of consciousness . Maybe our soul, our personal consciousness, arises out of something deeper and shared that some people might describe as god, where we come from and will one day return to.
Acrylic on board, 60x60 cm.
If everyone would just shut up for a minute maybe we could try and learn something.
I’m a schoolteacher during the day, and I’m not sure if I’ve actually said this but have certainly thought it. I also had laryngitis recently and couldn't speak for months, so this was both a reminder to myself and what I want to say to others. Sometimes if we get a bit of silence it’s easier to find ourselves.
Acrylic on board, 60x90 cm.
This triptych is called “Discombobulation”, which means the feeling of being confused or disconcerted. After events of 2019 I felt myself feeling and saying this much more often so I thought I’d try painting the feeling of being discombobulated. RGB is an additive method of making any colour by mixing the three primary additive colours, used by electronic devices such as an old telly or your smartphone. Click here for a video of the images fading into each other.
Acrylic on board, 3 boards 50x50cm.
Spot the Difference. Here’s one I made earlier, but thought it fitted with the feel of this exhibition. I got the idea when everyone started talking about fake news, how it’s so difficult to tell which is which. Click here for a video of the images fading into each other. Acrylic on board, 2 boards 50x50 cm.
This diptych is called “Grey area”. Opinions seem so certain and fixed recently, discussion often very divisive with a refusal to see the other side of the argument. Surely we’ve got more in common than we have differences, and things aren’t always as black and white as they seem. For the text, I wrote it small with a calligraphy pen then blew it up to size. Emulsion on board, 2 boards 50x50 cm.